June 5, 1968: Sirhan Sirhan Assassinates Senator Robert F. Kennedy

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, a Jordanian-born busboy, shot the presidential hopeful in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles as the senator was celebrating his victory in the California Democratic primary. Kennedy died the next day. Sirhan is still serving a life sentence in prison. The campaign poster depicts Kennedy in the psychedelic graphic style of the late 1960s.

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Edward Moran

Edward is a literary historian specializing in nineteenth- and twentieth-century American social and cultural history. He was associate editor of the World Authors reference series published by H. W. Wilson. He was also associate editor of the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, the English language editor for the Japanese American News Corporation, chief editor of Global Rhythm magazine, and a contributing writer to the St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture.


June 25, 1876: Battle Of The Little Bighorn #otd #tdih


June 4, 1972: Angela Davis Acquitted And Released From Prison